Цілюрник, -ка, м. Цырюльникъ. Жид, цілюрник лазаретний. Котл. Цилюрик, ка, м. Цырюльникъ. Федьк.
Словарь української мови: в 4-х тт. / За ред. Б. Грінченка. — К., 1907—1909. — Т. 4. — С. 429.
Сучасні словники
Тлумачення слова у сучасних словниках
цирульник -а, ч., заст. Перукар, який також виконував деякі обов'язки лікаря (пускав кров, ставив п'явки і т. ін.).
Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови. - "Перун". 2005.
Циру́лик, циру́льник:
-- медичний фельдшер [47]
Толковый украинский словарь. 2014.
Іноземний словник
A barber is a person whose job is cutting hair in a barbershop. Your barber might have a tendency to cut your hair a little shorter than you like. When you visit a barbershop, you sit in a special chair while the barber cuts your hair with scissors or electric clippers. Men are the most common customers of a barber, although women can also get their hair cut by barbers. Barber comes from the Anglo-French word barbour, which is rooted in the Latin word for "beard," barb. Early barbers were certified not only to cut hair, but to perform surgery and dentistry as well.
- Definitions of
- barber
- a hairdresser who cuts hair and shaves beards as a trade
- Type of:
- hairdresser, hairstylist, styler, stylist
- someone who cuts or beautifies hair
- perform the services of a barber: cut the hair and/or beard of
- Type of:
- groom, neaten
- care for one's external appearance