Бастригіна Єлизавета Анатоліївна
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Бастригіна Єлизавета Анатоліївна
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Навчальна практика
Протягом переддипломної практики були опубліковані такі матеріали:
VOICES: 7 stories about systematic human rights violations in Ukraine's occupied territories. Torture, interrogations, constant surveillance, and checking of mobile phones are the realities of life under occupation.
URL: https://helpingtoleave.org/en/voices
She Left the Occupation and Now Helps Other Ukrainians Reintegrate
3 Kind and Comforting Evacuation Stories from Helping to Leave Volunteers
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVrTl1jxGNM&t=1s
Oleksandr’s and Vanya’s story
URL: https://www.instagram.com/p/C22rseZr2hz/
Inna’s story:
URL: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3IyCRvrtEH/?img_index=1